我的StoreJet可以同時支援Mac和Windows作業系統的電腦嗎? - 支援 ... 一般常見的硬碟的檔案系統格式有FAT32、NTFS、HFS 、exFAT,其中只有FAT32與 exFAT能被Mac與Win XP/Vista/7支援讀 ...
How to format a WD external hard drive in exFAT or FAT32 (to use in ... It is possible to use a Western Digital external hard drive on both Windows and Mac OSX. This is useful if a drive is being used under both Operating System ...
converting an iPod from HFS+ (Mac) to FAT32 (Windows) format using Linux converting an iPod from HFS+ (Mac) to FAT32 (Windows) format using Linux A friend gave me a 2GB iPod Nano (2nd generation, silver, model MA477), which unfortunately had its disk in Mac HFS+ format. To get it to work with gtkpod, for example, it had to be
How to Format External Hard Drive to FAT32 in Windows Trying to format a large external USB or Firewire hard drive to the FAT32 file system? Can’t do it? Only see an option for formatting the drive using the N
How to format my drive for use in Windows and Mac (FAT32) | HGST Storage Only FAT32 format is supported by both Mac and PC. FAT32 has only a few limitations. Those limitations include the following: All individual files must be smaller than 4GB in size to be able to be copied to this drive, and all file names must follow the W
How to format a WD external hard drive in exFAT or FAT32 (to use in Windows or Mac OSX) Important: For both a PC and a Mac to be able to read from and write to the drive, it must be formatted in either exFAT or FAT32 file format. Many third-party systems such as the Sony Playstation 3 (PS3) and many Digital Camcorders require drives to be fo
Create HFS+ and FAT32 partitions on one external drive. - Mac OS X Hints I've got an external FireWire 160G drive. The original intent was to use it for backups of my TiBook, and for moving files around between Windows, linux and Mac OS X systems. So, the obvious solution would be creating one backup partition with HFS+, and t
Make a dual-partitioned HFS+/FAT32 drive play nice with Windows - Mac OS X Hints I wanted the multi-tool of USB drives. Two partitions; one bootable mac partition and one that can be read and written by both macs and windows machines. I finally got it done and I don't know why it works, but it does. Here's the deal. Equipment: a USB d
Windows/Linux下安裝Mac版變色龍到HFS/Fat32分區教程 !~-Windows,Linux,安裝變色龍,Mac版變色龍,U盤變色龍-遠景論壇 ... windows,linux,安裝變色龍,mac版變色龍,u盤變色龍,windows下安裝mac版變色龍的教程,~也可以說是windows及linux下安裝變色龍到本地磁碟的引導分區(hfs,或,fat32)或移動硬碟的引導分區或u盤的教程,~也可以叫變色龍引導補,...,win7,64位旗艦版下載,win7激活工具 ...
Use the exFAT File System and Never Format Your External ... 行動版 - 2012年7月18日 - Using an external drive between Mac and Windows computers can be a hassle, since you ... FAT32 works for both OSes, but has a 4GB size limit per file, so it isn't ideal.